Thursday, 22 January 2009
we uploaded our video to the computers and realized we had other 15 minutes worth of shots, we had to cut it down to the maximum of two minutes it was a lot easier than i thought it would be as we had so many extra shots that we didn't need and most that we reducted from the video were not important and didn't really have much meaning to the film they was just making it longer and a lot less professional. at this stage in time the editing could of been a little better as we still had some rough shots and needed to sort them out as it was getting really close to the deadline and we still had a lot to do. the editing was a little more difficult half way through as we had to make sure the shots were linked carefully together and had no jump shots or editing, but near to the end it was almost succesfull.
we allowed ourself a lot of shooting time on the actual day that we shot, we picked a saturday as it was very suitable for all of us as ellie, josie's sister was able to be with us the whole day and it didn't interfere with mine and josie's lesson times as it was on the weekend. it didnt take as long as i thought it would it actually took less than i thought, at first i thought that we didn't put enough effort into it but after watching it after we had filmed we had a lot of shots and plenty of enough time to cut it down and edit it. There were many shots that we had to delete and we had to cut it down majorly as we had over fifthteen minutes of filming time, but i think this gave us an advantage as becdause we had so much filom it made it easier to cut out uneccasary bits and just keep the most important most crutial shots. the timing in the end got cut down to about 2 and a half minutes but still needs to be rid of some more.
these are our official storyboards, the previous story boards in which we was going to follow are on josie's blogs but we decided to change our story a little to make it look a little more like child abuse potential. these are the storyboards in which we followed when we shot our film, we feel that this happened quite successfully and we stuck to our boundaries, the storyboards helped as a lot not only to think of the next shot in which we had to create but also the way in which to shoot it and to think how much time we had for each shot. the storyboards were a great success and had us following along the right lines.
The song we will use!
we are going to use the song concrete angel but this may be a little difficult for us as we have to make sure that the song isn't copyrighted other wise we cannot use it, the reason that we wanted to use this song for our video is because it has been used previously for child abuse awareness videos such as the video above, it is a very passionate and warming songs as it talks about the pain a child suffers and the situations in which a child has to go through that is experiencing child abuse. another reason that we chose to use this song is not only does it aware people of the n negative factors that a child who is experiencing child abuse goes through it also informs us of the positive things that they can still think about, it is like telling us there is a light at the end of the road and we thought this would be a good effect as it is bringing positive light to our video to try and dim the dark a little.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
we have created our story board and drafter it in neat and also have taken pictures on it, they will be uploaded shortly maybe a few posts after this one.
our storyboard has been created, and in our shots were names are appearing we have only currently used our own names but when the actual film is created we will edit it and add real actors names to our shots.
our storyboard has been created, and in our shots were names are appearing we have only currently used our own names but when the actual film is created we will edit it and add real actors names to our shots.
for our film we only need two characters but they are essentially meant to be the same person but just with a large age difference half way through to show as if a time line going through childhood to adulthood, but showing a brief experience of her feelings towards her life. Josie is going to play the part of the adult, and her younger sister is going to play the part of the child we thought this was a good idea, as she is the only person in our group with a younger sister, and also two sisters will show some sort of resemblance which will then show almost a single identity of the same person but aged through. Her younger sister Ellie we also thought was a great idea as she is a young child and we wouldn't need to give her direct instructions of what to do as she has the ideal characteristics of a child and it comes ideally to her as she is of the right age, the only instruction that we would need to give ellie was her facial expressions to look sad but sometimes playful.
For our locations we have chosen places were we feel it would be permitted to film. so that no trouble can be caused and it would be easy for us to get on with creating our film without having any problems with people complaining. We have chosen danson park as it is a public place but also a very large place, so there will be plenty of empty spaces for us to film so that we are not filming other members of the public so hopefully there will be no complications with our filming. We are going to try to stay out of peoples way, so that no complaints are made and keep ourselves to ourselves just filming in a deserted area where we can film comfortably.
erith flats.

Erith flats, is our second location this is were the story begins and were our characters will start her travels, we chose this location for a reason as these flats dont seem very clean and are very dark in the stairways and ect. we are using the lift in the flats as we felt it was a good way to present our characters name or our titles which we are going to use, we carefully thought about this as we needed it to be as professional as possible to show our clear understanding of what we are creating. the flats are also an ideal location as it is easy for us to get to and also gives the same effect as danson park, the feeling of emptiness.

After creating our storyboards, we realised that a beach would not be an ideal location for our film as it is now in cold weather and there would not be many people around such as familys, to create the effect that we wanted, but after thinking about this we realised that the cold weather would actually be a good factor as it would make our film look a little more dim and also give an advantage to the emotion of our film.
we still wanted to use the idea of a river or a lake so we chose a location that was ideal to us such as danson park as it has a lake and is also very family based, but that isn't of much importantce to us now as a lonely effct would give a better meaning to the characters feelings.
Danson park is also close to us and has the characteristics that we wont for our film. It has large patches of grass which can experience a child running and also has a river, it has a large variety of trees which our character can run through and act out characteristics that a young child would do when in a park. This is also an ideal location for our film, cos we can film no matter what weather rain or shine, as any will give the same effect because it is our child's emotions that we are interested in and no matter what the weather it cannot change the way the child feels.
we still wanted to use the idea of a river or a lake so we chose a location that was ideal to us such as danson park as it has a lake and is also very family based, but that isn't of much importantce to us now as a lonely effct would give a better meaning to the characters feelings.
Danson park is also close to us and has the characteristics that we wont for our film. It has large patches of grass which can experience a child running and also has a river, it has a large variety of trees which our character can run through and act out characteristics that a young child would do when in a park. This is also an ideal location for our film, cos we can film no matter what weather rain or shine, as any will give the same effect because it is our child's emotions that we are interested in and no matter what the weather it cannot change the way the child feels.
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