Thursday, 8 January 2009


for our film we only need two characters but they are essentially meant to be the same person but just with a large age difference half way through to show as if a time line going through childhood to adulthood, but showing a brief experience of her feelings towards her life. Josie is going to play the part of the adult, and her younger sister is going to play the part of the child we thought this was a good idea, as she is the only person in our group with a younger sister, and also two sisters will show some sort of resemblance which will then show almost a single identity of the same person but aged through. Her younger sister Ellie we also thought was a great idea as she is a young child and we wouldn't need to give her direct instructions of what to do as she has the ideal characteristics of a child and it comes ideally to her as she is of the right age, the only instruction that we would need to give ellie was her facial expressions to look sad but sometimes playful.

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