Thursday, 26 February 2009

Importance Of Opening Title Sequences!

Title sequences are a very, important part of the film and are powerful if done properly. A bad title sequence leaves the audience dissapointed with not only the beginning and will not ingage the audience to the film. opening sequences are what draws the audence in and there first imprestions of the film, this is the same affect that we want ours to give thats why we want to do a few ectra shots but todays the deadline and all so... i think we may work back into this as i hate things not finished and undone, everything needs to be perfect and up to my standerds and at the moment its not . Title sequences are the beginning of the film and they tell a slight part of the story, they are used to invite poeple into the film and to make them want to watch it further, an opening title sequence can decide poeplesa thoughts about the film and decides the first instincts of what they are seeing so it is important to make an opening title sequence interesting formal presentative and professional to give out the best possible positive effect.

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