Monday, 22 December 2008

Birds eye view

This shows a scene from directly overhead, a very unnatural and strange angle. Familiar objects viewed from this angle might seem totally unrecognisable at first (umbrellas in a crowd, dancers' legs). This shot does, however, put the audience in a godlike position, looking down on the action. People can be made to look insignificant, ant-like, part of a wider scheme of things. Hitchcock (and his admirers, like Brian de Palma) is fond of this style of shot.

this shot shows a visible view from directly overheard showing objects in a much smaller position. it is a very strange and unatural angle as it only shows objects or characters from a top angle maybe only highlighting the tops of their heads. familiar objects may seem totally unrecognisable at first, such as umbrellas and people even legs, it however puts the audience in a powerful prospective god like in fact a sense of power and direction.

after reading information of this shot i ahve varied my opinions of this and feel it would be good to use this angle to show clear understandings of the characters surroundings and the extent of how much happiness is around such a sad little girl.

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